** This is Babylon Five ** You are cleared for Docking Bay #4.
Please check all Commercial and Passenger companies and manifests before
booking flights or transfer to/from this location.
As this station are not currently a part of the Earth Alliance, we request
that you do not
consider their routing and time tables to reflect an accurate state of
affairs at this station.
We of the Interstellar Alliance are working together to provide you
with the safest
trade and passenger routes available.
Again, the Command Staff and crew of Babylon 5 want to apologize
or any inconvenience the
current galactic upheaval may be having on your personal plans.
We want to thank you for your trust in us and your continued support during these
trying times.
Captain John J. Sheridan - For the Interstellar Alliance
"Station Signal Clear - Communications Channel Released"
Station RecordsJumpgate ListingsDeparture Gate #5
Disclaimer: "Babylon-5, Crusades"
and all its characters legally belong to Babylonian Productions
and Warner Brothers Television Productions. It is currently being
shown on the Sci-Fi channel.This site is for fan enjoyment only and is not
meant to infringe on
any copyrights in any way.
No money is being exchanged. All displayed stories belong to the declared author and
are not
to be published without her explicit consent.
Original design of this site by Rowan 2/2001. * * *
This site belongs to Rowan.