Who to Contact:
Write! E-mail! Phone!
Below you'll find a list of corporations, companies, advertisers and others who way have some input or say in what and how MGM and Stargate Productions will look at Season 6.
Addresses and Such:

The Sci-Fi Channel
Attn: Bonnie Hammer, President
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020-1513
The general phone no. for Sci-Fi is 212-413-5000
Call direct to President Bonnie Hammer (212-413-5614)
and Chris Regina (212-413-5831).
FAX!! Address it to Bonnie and/or Chris and/or
Programming, and send to 212-413-6531.
Emails program@www.scifi.com and

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
Attn: MGM Television Entertainment
Attn: Hank Cohen, President
2500 Broadway St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404-3061
MGM onsite feedback email:
MGM SciFi newsletter feedback addy: scifi@mgm.com

Stargate SG1 Productions
2400 Boundary Rd.
Burnaby, BC V5M 3Z3

Kawoosh Productions [Bridge Studios]
2400 Boundary Rd.
Burnaby, BC V5M 3Z3
phone # 292-8500, fax # 292-8550
[Note: Not been recently tested]

Stargate SG1
2049 Century Park E#2500
Los Angeles CA 90067

Gekko Film Corp.
1122 South Robertson Blvd.
Suite #15
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Stargate SG-1
c/o MGM
2501 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Sky-1 – for you Overseas Folks:

Ms Selina Betts
Head of Scheduling, Sky 1

Our own Joy L. has created some wonderful postcards for those who also want to make a visual statement. Directions are very clear for their productions and use. They can be found here:   Postcards

We all thank you for your time and effort to save the team.

"Bottom line: If you're not telling good stories, people are going to tune out, and they'll see right through the sham."
-- Richard Dean Anderson
'The Hollywood Reporter' Sept 4-10, 2001

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Original site design by "Cougar Creations" 12/2001. * * * This site belongs to Rowan.

Last modified 8 December, 2001.