Advancements and achievements in space research and space flight are growing by
leaps and bounds every day.
Just trying to catch up with all the advancements is a life long study.
As this field is so vast and my time limited, I will direct most of my focus on
my two pet projects: 'The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence'
[nicknamed 'SETI' for short] in which I'll also combine the field of Radio Astronomy
and amateur astronomy with a side trip into stellar photography [I so love Hubbell. :} ]
This will probably be the slowest growing area of this site due to the
technical needs of the programmer [yours truly] to provide the information
I want to impart in a way that befits it's elegance both in it's science and it's art.
I ask you bear with me and I hope I can bring the thrill I feel about space science to this forum.
Original design of this site by Rowan 2/2001. * * *
This site belongs to Rowan.