"These Are the Plans That Jack Drew"

Rowan - Jari L. James
Date: September 14, 1999
Category/Content: Poem - Humor
Spoilers: "The Fifth Race"
Sequel: God, I hope not!
Ratings: G
Warnings: Do *not* try to read this piece out loud if you are intoxicated.
I won't be held responsible for what might come out.
Summery: The long about way of saying Jack met Thor.
Author’s Notes: There was this picture posted on the SG-1 Wav & Pic, list you see. And someone made a comment about it and I made a counter-comment. And then this challenge of 'put up or shut up' came back [but phrased ever so much more politely]. and... well ...
Special Terminology: None
Disclaimer: As for the rest, Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended.

Note: This story is the private possession of the author and can not be copied or archived without her express permission. Downloaded for private use is considered acceptable.

These are the plans that Jack drew.

This is the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

These are the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

These are the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the DHD that failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the Captain who was now in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the Doctor - again - who believed Jack knew how to rescue the Captain who was now in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed that he knew how to rescue the Captain who was now in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

These are the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed that he knew how to rescue the Captain who was now in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the DHD that was repaired from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed that he knew how to rescue the Captain who was now in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the very sun-burned Captain who saved her team by repairing the DHD from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed he knew how to rescue the Captain who was no longer in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the debriefing of the very sun-burned Captain who saved her team by repairing the DHD from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed he knew how to rescue the Captain who was no longer in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

These are the astonished looks from those - except one Archeologist - in the debriefing of the very sun-burned Captain who saved her team by repairing the DHD from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed he knew how to rescue the Captain who was no longer in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

These are the questions being asked by those - except one Archeologist - in the debriefing of the very sun-burned Captain who saved her team by repairing the DHD from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed he knew how to rescue the Captain who was no longer in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

This is the shrug from the afore mentioned Colonel in response to the questions being asked by those - except one Archeologist - in the debriefing of the very sun-burned Captain who saved her team by repairing the DHD from the drawings made by the Colonel who trusted the Doctor who believed he knew how to rescue the Captain who was no longer in jeopardy when the DHD failed because of the conditions that were found on the planet that created the situation that encouraged the Doctor who knew the secrets of Gate Travel were in the alien memories that stimulated the brain that drove the hand that held the pencil that created the plans that Jack drew.

Because the damned thing worked and he's was just as amazed as anyone else.

So these are the plans that Jack drew.

{***   fini   ***}