"Winter's Night"

Rowan - Jari L. James
Pairing: J/D - established relationship
Category/Content: Story/Angst
Spoilers: None
Sequel: None
Warnings: None
Summery: The following says it best. "Loving is not just caring deeply, it's, above all, understanding." - Francoise Sagan
Author’s Notes: The original idea for this story was a long, dark night and a new CD. I credit "Song For a Winter's Night" sung by Sarah McLaughlin and Composed by Gordon Lightfoot, cut taken from the "Due South - Volume II" soundtrack, as my inspiration and recommend it to all and sundry. The CD I sited as the source in the story does exist.

Special Terminology: TDY = 'Temporary DutY' Roughly …to be sent away from you assigned duty station to do something else for however long they want you to go there and do it.

Disclaimer: As for the rest, Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended.

Note: This story is the private possession of the author and can not be copied or archived without her express permission. Downloaded for private use is considered acceptable.

Daniel shook the snow off the OD green parka before pushing his way through the front door at O’Neill's house.

// Probably one of the few really useful pieces of gear they've ever issued.//

Reaching back with a foot, he kicked the door shut. Without bothering to locate the switch he made his way down the darkened hall, more by memory than any other sense, to deposit the pitifully small sack of groceries on Jack's kitchen table.

// 'Our' table. //

He corrected himself, a contented smile drifting ghost-like across full lips No matter how many times his lover and confidant told him that it made no difference who's place they were staying at - that it was "home" for the both of them - to Daniel, this would always be 'Jack's house'. And his safe haven from the unforgiving world outside.

It had been a long two and a half weeks with Jack gone. One of the many joys of being a part of the "Special Operations" community: the on going training - going to it yourself or being sent to teach it to others. It was the Colonel's turn to pass on some of his brutally learned knowledge to the less experienced of this special 'Warrior's Brotherhood'. And now he was TDY for a month to Ft. Richardson, Alaska; a member of the training cadre to the Multi-Service Arctic Survival Course.

// God, Jack, less than two more weeks 'till you're back. It may be 'half way' over for you up there, but it's been an eternity here. With still an eternity left to go. //

The young man sighed. With their CO gone, the General had put SG-1 on Stand Down until the team was back up to strength, so there was little for Daniel to do to keep his mind off the encircling loneliness. He buried himself chin deep in reports and analysis, but that only blunted the feelings for so long before the longing came back with a vengeance. Sam and Teal'c had gone out as 'augmentees' to another SG team on a couple of short missions, but the 'down time' was beginning to take it's toll on them as well.

// Too much of a 'good thing'.//

The house was quiet, the deepening snow outside contributing it's part in muting the sounds of people and traffic; deepening the cave-like isolation. Even the common noises of grocery bags, and cans being handled and put in their own places echoed uncommonly loud in the still house. He rapidly finished storing the few purchases. After months of shopping with two in mind, the sack's contents was pitifully small. Even with the both of them on 24/7 call, it provided a comfort to Daniel to know that there would always be food available whenever they made it home. A domesticity that surprised him at times, but one he'd come to enjoy.

Down to the last item in the bag, and with nothing left to provide a distraction from the emptiness, the silence at last became too great.

// I've got to do something … this place feels 'way too deserted.//

Leaving a package of pasta abandoned on the counter, he stepped down into the living room and headed for the CD player running through the disc collection in his mind… trying to come up with something that wouldn't add a new depth to his quiet depression.

Everything in the assortment was his, Jack's or theirs. Any of it could and, in his present state of loneliness, would stir up longings. Kneeling in front of the packed racks of disks, he began to sort things into some vague form of categories. "Bound to be Depressing". "Romantic, therefore Depressing." "Soundtracks, backgrounds for discussions, probably Depressing." "I *can't* believe either one of us would *ever* listen to this! Why is it even here?". >// Hello ….. what's this? //

Stuffed in alongside one of the jewel cases was an CD wrapped in one of those pre-made gift 'envelopes'. And by the looks of it, hurriedly stuffed in the back of the stack in the hopes of being soon forgotten. He turned it over in his hands a couple of times before opening the tab. A small card fell out.

"Hope you two enjoy it. Marry Christmas! Sam"

// Okay, one mystery solved. But why would Jack want to hide this ...? //

The answer revealed itself as he removed the plastic case from the package. Too easily, in fact. ' "Rarities, B-Sides and Other Stuff" by Sarah McLaughlin.' He chuckled. Jack must have sneaked a quick peek, not recognized the artist and been freaked out by the title or something. He ditched it so he wouldn't have to show it to his intimate or thank Sam.

// Yep… That's my Jack. Subtle as a train wreck. //

A peaceful smile caressed firelight softened skin as he loaded the CD into the sound system. A delicate voice began wafting it's way gently around the room: it's lightness displacing the solitary dark. The solace of the music began to settle itself over Daniel's shoulders like a warm, comforting pair of arms. He rose from his crouch and laid the clear case on a speaker's top, his hand coming to rest on top of it for a moment in quiet repose.

// Thank you, Sam. //

With the music's company, he performed the evening ritual: piling tinder and kindling onto the fireplace grate; starting the fire that has always aided man in making the dark times bearable. Slowly, lengths of wood were fed to the tiny flames until the fire had taken on it's own life. Lifting two split logs from the top of the nearby stack, he laid them in among the blaze, trusting the fire would accept them as their own. The ruddy glow added emotional warmth to the room in complement with it's actually heat.

He took a moment to light an old oil lamp standing patient vigil on the side table next to Jack's overstuffed chair by the hearth. It's tarnished base had been discovered during a thrift shop expedition with Janet one weekend. She had helped him restore the gleaming metal and locate a new wick and chimney. He had presented it to Jack later the next day. The two spent that evening and on into the night wrapped in each other's embrace; napping in the lamp's warm glow.

A pair of tall pillar candles that lived on each end of the coffee table completed the room's lighting and added their part to push back the emptiness. The mute, deepening snow outside became less foreboding as his own secure haven took hold.

Dinner prep was quick. With only one person, things were rarely more complex that a sandwich … perhaps an occasional can of soup. There seemed no reason to cook anything, really … with no one there to share it with.

Dietary duties done he grabbed plate and coffee cup heading for the plump chair. Placing dinner on the side table, he turned back to the wooden box resting beneath the mail slot - checking to see if anything requiring immediate attention had come in since he'd last looked.

// Let's see… Utility bill. This month's "Anthropology Journal" - Well, they finally got the forwarding address right, I see. Letter from my optometrist - ditto. Cable TV bill. Letter from Jack. Phone bill. A beg letter from 'The World Wide Fund for…..' //

"Shit!!" Startled, the wad of mail tumbled from his grip to scatter on the carpet. Dropping to his knees he fumbled the long, battered envelope from the disheveled heap of paper.

// A letter from Jack! My God. He actually wrote a letter! //

The evening meal was well and truly forgotten as he settled in the chair, tearing into the envelope. Two badly folded pieces of stationary stuffed roughly inside became the most precious things he had ever seen and he handled them with a touch and reverence usually reserved for a fragile alien artifact. Actually, with Jack, anything in writing was priceless - his hatred for reports and such being all too well known.

The crinkle of the flimsy paper blended with the fire's crackling as the message from his lover unfolded in his trembling hands.

// He wrote me. //

His heart and soul were dancing in time to the now energetic rhythm flowing from the CD.

// He wrote me! //

With forefinger firmly reseating his glasses, he leaned his body closer to the oil lamp flickering on the table next to him, elbow propping him on the chair's arm. The lamp's gentle radiance transfused the rough paper with a parchment-like glow, making this moment all the more intiment for him. Deep azure eyes drank in the words that lay stretched out darkly before him.


// Well … that was certainly an imaginative start… //

"Don't know when this'll get to you. I might even beat it back. Wanted you to let folks know that the training cycle is progressing along nicely and I haven't shot anybody… yet. Though not for lack of wanting to. God, I hate to think I was ever this dumb and cocky, ya know what I mean? And I plan on finding out who put my name in the hat for this. And break their hat. For starters. Being 'shipped off' for something like this sucks. Especially in the middle of the friggin' winter."

// Oh! I wanna be around to watch that! //

"My little corner of the universe here is cold. Period. And that may be it's only redeeming factor. Makes me realize all over again why I joined the Air Force. Looking at 3 weeks of bunkering down in the snow and slush looks 'way too much like the Marines to me. Think I'll recommend Makepeace if the folks here are looking for another instructor some time in the future. I'm *sure* he'd enjoy it ... not."

// Humm ….. Not! //

"We'll be in a desolate spot, out in the tulies somewhere - not like anybody back there would know anything about that - but they're keeping me busy and that helps move the time along. If I've gotta be stuck in the snow and ice, though, I'd rather be back at base. Things and people there. Even the sky here's clouded over most of the time. Can't see a thing. Even if I could, got no one else to show stuff to. Probably one of the loneliest spots on the planet."

// Wish I *could* be there to see the 'sky' on your planet. //

"I'll sign off now so I can get it in the mail sack before we head off into the outback. Let the folks in the 'duty section' know they're not rid of me yet. I'm not planning turning anyone loose on their own. You guys get into enough trouble when you *have* adult supervision."

// And *you're* the supervision? {Snort!} Right. //

"Be back in three. See you then. And pretend you're working at 'Motel 6' and leave the lamp on so I can find my way back.


His eyes rested on Jack's scrawled signature for a moment, before finding themselves drifting up to rest on an earlier line.

"Probably one of the loneliest spots on the planet."

// No Jack. I don't think so. //

Holding the letter for another minute before letting the weight of his own hands carry it onto his lap, Daniel tried to reason with himself that these two pieces of paper probably went through a couple of different hands in their trip between Jack and here… that others may have read this and Jack had to be circumspect to a fault. Understanding didn't change the feelings he was having right then… the 'knee-jerk' reaction of wishing his lover had been able to write more. To write just to him and him alone.

// If he just could have found a way to say "I miss you, Danny" - it wouldn't hurt so much. I know he's coming home to me. I *know* it. But God, I'm still so empty at times like this.//

He huddled in melancholy stillness, feet tucked beneath him, looking into the dancing flames of the fire: aware only of how selfish he was being, how self-centered; becoming more and more disgusted with himself for allowing it. The change of tempo and mood in the opening bars of the next song sent tendrils drifting toward him: tugging gently at him, tickling his hearing, trying to draw his focus. He let his attention drift toward the music.

"The lamp is burning low upon my table top
Snow is softly falling.
The air - still - in the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly calling."

"If I could only have you near
To breath a sigh or two,
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter's night with you."

The soft anguish of the words settled in his chest, bringing a tightness to wrap itself about his heart. Could anyone understand how forlorn and emptied he felt right now? His head dropped back to rest against the topmost edge of the chair as if the moisture gathering under closed lids made it too heavy to hold it upright. He wanted to turn his soul away from the torment of the melody but the feelings it stirred held him: encouraged him to stay in the 'here and now'. To stop thinking only with his fear: to let go and start trusting his feelings.

And his heart.

"The smoke is rising in the shadows over head
My glass is almost empty.
I read again between the lines upon each page
The words of love you send me."

"If I could know within my heart
That you were lonely too,
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter's night with you."

// Between the lines. Oh, Daniel, you great bloody fool. Did you ever think to actually try to 'read' between the lines?//

His eyes and memory replayed the letter line for line; word for word. And there it was… every feeling, every want, every desire his lover had for him. How much he missed 'him' - 'his Daniel'. Buried in between the lines so plainly that a school child could have seen it. Now he could see it. Now he could hear it … hear it speaking to him. Jack's lonely words reaching across the snow covered miles to let his lover know how much he was missed. Letting him know that he wasn't alone ... that Jack was still there for him. And coming home because of him.

"The fire is dying, my lamp is growing dim
The shades of night are lifting.
Morning light steals across my window pane
Where webs of snow are drifting."

"If I could only have you near
To breath of sigh or two,
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter's night with you."

The knot of fear gripping his chest melted away like snow in the sunlight. Threatening tears were finally made free to slowly roll down his soft cheeks and into the tawny hair that hung firelight gilded framing his face. Gentle droplets trickling now in happiness; not in fear. Daniel remained in the enfolding peacefulness of that stuffed chair for the rest of the night: letting it enfold him; drinking in his lover's musky scent with each slow breath until, finally, slipping beyond into sleep as dawn began to bring new life to the sky.

He slept and rested well, knowing that his partner, his lover, the other half of his soul, loved him no matter the miles that lay between them.

And that the glow of the lamp would be there in the window to guide him home

"If I could only have you near
To breath of sigh or two,
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter's night with you.

And to be once again with you."

*** end ***